Miracles are meant to grab our attention. They are above and beyond the ordinary. They are so extraordinary – so contrary to nature, so unusually singular, so atypical and bizarre – that they give occasion for pause from mundane living. Folks take notice of miracles because when they occur, they do so either without or above or against the ordinary means usually employed, like being sustained without bread (Mt 4:4), or bearing children with bodies as good as dead (Rom 4:19), or defying gravity (2Kgs 6:6) or flames (Dan 3:27). Jesus came in the fullness of time, and His miracles provided credible and convincing testimony about His identity as the Son of God. These amazing works given by the Father to accomplish were witnesses to Christ’s deity, messianic identity and redemptive purpose having testimony weightier than even that of John (Jn 5:36).
The beginning of these signs occurred in Cana of Galilee where Jesus miraculously transformed water into the finest of wine (Jn 2:1-11). As a sign it was meant to convey something personally and theologically significant about Him, as well as signify the joy and abundance of His kingdom. That is, it manifested His glory (Jn 2:11). Natural men viewed Him as nothing but an ordinary Galilean man. Spiritual men esteemed Him as far more and welcomed His demonstrations of divine power which let the glorious light of His deity shine through the modest veil of His humanity. His disciples believed in him. Indeed, Peter said Jesus of Nazareth was a man attested by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through Him (Acts 2:22). Do you believe Him to be who He said He was? Consider the testimony! The apostles could not have fabricated all that was written of Him. The malicious Jews could have easily debunked historical fiction. The New Testament reliably testifies to His miraculous deeds, which themselves reliably testify to His glorious, divine, messianic identity. Thus, Do not fear, only believe!
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