Our expectations of this life are far
too great and those of the life to come are way too small. These unrealistic expectations, when
disappointed, lead to much of the depression and discouragement experienced by
professing Christians. As the wise man
observes, Hope deferred makes the heart
sick (Prv 13:12). Either delayed
gratification or unmet expectation will “sicken” the soul with
disappointment. Many modern Christians are
sick because they know not what to
expect from life in a fallen world and cannot begin to anticipate the glorious
life of heaven. Having expectations “out
of whack” they live an imbalanced, unstable and disheartened Christian life.
Let us start with this life. What should we expect? At the very least, according to Genesis 3, we
should anticipate painful childbirths, fractured relationships, wearisome toil,
exasperating problems and inevitable death.
This explains, in part, why Paul calls it the present evil age (Gal 1:4).
Sin has infiltrated, contaminated and devastated every aspect of human
life such that our Lord Himself made reference to this adulterous and sinful
generation (Mk 8:38). It is an evil generation! (Lk 11:29). Death
has spread to all men (Ro 5:12) and
cemeteries litter the earth’s surface as reminders of sin’s ruinous
consequences. The golden years of
retirement are actually evil days and
days of darkness (Eccl 12:1;
11:8). No wonder Solomon threw up his
hands at one point and exclaimed, All is
vanity! (Eccl 1:2). In addition, the whole world lies in the power of the
evil one (1Jn 5:19). Satan has
usurped authority in this age and as the
god of this world he has blinded the minds of the unbelievers
(2Cor 4:4). So the mass of unbelieving
humanity, unable and unwilling to grasp spiritual truth (1Cor 2:14), now hates the light (Jn 3:20), hates the
Lord (Ro 1:30) and hates the followers of Christ (Jn 15:19). We should not
be surprised, therefore, at the fiery
trial when it comes upon us as though
something strange were happening (1Pt 4:12). We should expect it! John says the
world is passing away along with its
desires (1Jn 2:17). It is a fallen
world, a futile age, a fading universe. Here
we must eat the bread of adversity
and drink the water of affliction (Is
30:20). God in His mercy continues to
bestow good things on just and unjust alike (Mt 5:45). But all our days are full of sorrow, and our work is a vexation. Even in the night our hearts do not rest (Eccl 2:23). Should we not then frame our expectations of
this life according to the biblical perspective and thereby avoid the
heart-sick condition of dashed expectations?
Let us now consider the life to
come. What should we expect? Paul alludes to what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what
God has prepared for those who love him, and he tells us that God has revealed these things to us through
the Spirit (1Cor 2:9-10). That is,
in Scripture we discover revelations of future blessedness, wonderful glimpses
of heavenly glory. Of course language
itself fails to describe that remarkable state adequately, but the Bible
provides plenty of revelatory gist for the mill of sanctified imagination! With those ancient saints we desire a better country, that is, a heavenly
one (Heb 11:16). The heavenly
Jerusalem of pure gold, clear as glass,
has the glory of God so that its radiance is like a most rare jewel
(Rev 21:11, 18). The Lamb Himself illuminates
this glorious city in which there never will be any darkness or corruption or
sin (Rev 21:25-27). In the midst of
this city runs the river of the water of
life, bright as crystal, and on either side is found the tree of life
bearing twelve kinds of fruit for the
healing of the nations (Rev 22:1-2).
From this place will be removed all griefs and sorrows because God
Himself will wipe away every tear from
our eyes, and death shall be no more,
neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain (Rev 21:4). Paul considers present hardships light momentary afflictions when he compares
them to this eternal weight of glory
beyond all comparison (2Cor 4:17). This we may expect as Christians! We need not lost heart! If we frame our expectations biblically, we may
avoid the heart-sick condition and live a faithful, hopeful, productive Christian life
awaiting the adoption of sons, the redemption of our bodies (Ro 8:23).
With Paul we may consider the sufferings of this present time unworthy
of comparison with that glory to be revealed to us (Ro 8:18).
The standing ministry of any church
must try to help Christians frame their expectations along biblical lines. Our preaching and teaching must highlight the
reality of sin and misery on the one hand, and the truth of heavenly
blessedness on the other. The Lord Jesus Christ has dealt with the one and secured the other. While unmet
expectations sicken the heart, a desire
fulfilled is a tree of life (Prv 13:12) and sweet to the soul (Prv 13:19).
May we press on by faith in the promise of God, and look forward to the
day when our expectations are not only met but greatly exceeded.