Immoral behavior seems to have increased dramatically in American society. This should not surprise anyone for as outward restraints are removed, inward lusts find freer expression. As a result, support groups have sprouted up across the landscape as many grope for answers and seek by various means to reestablish morality, civility, and decorum. In some instances, a degree of external reform is achieved and society is benefitted in some provisional way. But the advantage is small and often short-lived. The solution to America’s moral decline is not a 12-step program but a rebirth of souls.
Indeed, mere behavioral improvement without spiritual rebirth is a surefire way to build a devil's dream house. The Lord Jesus makes this point while being accused of collaborating with Beelzebul. He exposes His opponents’ fallacy by stressing the principle of a divided house and the practice of their own sons (Lk 11:17-19). It is in that context that He says outward reform without inward renewal is like neatening a house for a vacationing demon (Lk 11:24-25). Mere external restraints and moral reform groom a soul for demonic repossession of a worse kind (v. 26). The religious leaders themselves were as whitewashed tombs because they worked hard to appear outwardly righteous but remained inwardly corrupt. In other words, the hypocrites were furiously religious but ungodly at heart (Mt 23:27-28). The truth is, apart from a sincere, heart-felt profession of Christianity, reforming conduct is like applying lipstick on a pig. Paint it with the market’s best cosmetics and at the end of the day it is still a pig. So while both the reform of morals and the renewal of souls are vitally important, the latter should be our most fervent prayer. May the Spirit breathe life into Christ’s church!
Does God Withdraw His Presence from Me?
[image: Does God Withdraw His Presence from Me?]
God promises never to leave us nor forsake us, but sometimes the Bible says
he withdraws his presence from...
1 hour ago
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